Today’s #DateYourSpouse post is more about what you can do every day to keep the romance alive in your relationship. I’m not talking about candle lit dinners, flowers and chocolates, or cuddling under the stars. I am talking about the everyday things my husband does for me that makes my heart burst with joy. And the things I do for him that put a huge smile on his face.
When you live with someone everyday, it is the little things that show your love for them. As Eric Draven said:
“Little things used to mean so much to Shelly. I used to think they were kind of trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial.”
(Yes, I just quoted The Crow.)
Here are 20 things that my husband and I have been known to do for each other, that you can do for your spouse to show that you appreciate them.
- Put the dishes away before they get home.
- Fold the laundry: theirs and yours.
- Write a love note in the shower in bath crayons. (When we moved in together, one of the first things I bought was bath crayons. We write notes to each other, reminders, count down to Christmas, and drawings on the walls of our shower. I absolutely love it.)
- Take the dogs out before bed so your significant other can continue to sleep on the couch.
- Hold on to a hug a little longer than normal.
- Cook dinner.
- Leave a treat in the fridge with a note from them to find.
- Make their lunch to bring to work the next day. (Sometimes my husband will work close to 12 hour days. When he comes home and his lunch is ready to go in his lunch box and the coffee maker is ready for the next day, he is so excited.)
- Sneak a sweet note and an extra snack in their lunch box.
- Or write a note on the banana in their lunch box for a more eco-friendly version!
- If they love smoothies, make them smoothie packs to keep in the freezer for easy-peasy smoothies.
- Grab coffee from your favorite coffee shop while the other sleeps in.
- Send a kissy face selfie while you are at work.
- If they are having a bad day, send a funny selfie. (My husband’s choice was a selfie of my bra on his face. I was crying laughing. Turned my day around for sure.)
- Steal their phone and take selfies with the pets for them to find later.
- Send them a text message when you are thinking about them.
- If they had a bad day, put on your favorite comedy tv show to laugh to.
- Rub their feet/shoulders without them asking.
- Wake them up with cuddles instead of the alarm.
- Say Thank You for the everyday things they do for you.
Date nights and spending time together are fantastic. But it is only one way to keep the love and romance alive inside your marriage. My husband and I have been together for 13 years and these day to day small things are a major part of the happy marriage we have. So plan the big trips and the getaways, but I challenge you to also plan one small act of kindness you can show your spouse each day.
Comment below with the small things your spouse does for you that makes your heart burst below!
Want more date night ideas? Check out my #DateYourSpouse series.